[lug] dumpdates
John Starkey
jstarkey at ajstarkey.com
Mon Aug 14 13:54:43 MDT 2000
> You could probably think of it that way. In Linux, the kernel, the file
> system, and the collection of program is all called a distribution. If
> you are a purist only the kernel program itself is actually Linux.
> Everthing else is someone's idea about what constitutes a good file
> structure, and a collection of GNU/OpenSource software.
What exactly is needed for linux to boot then? Just the Kernel? I know I
lost all my /bin like mv which is why I rebooted to floppy. My
understanding, which is reinforced by this conversation, is that the
Kernel calls individual, small, programs like mv when it needs it, or
actually your call to mv makes the kernel search it out via $PATH. So
would it be safe to say that I can boot but if I don't have /bin it's just
gonna sit there smil'in? /sbin is the kernel's equiv of /bin?
> Nope! The make utility works only on the source code directories.
I should have been able to figure that one out. I've compiled a lot, for a
newbie. But I didn't take make install into consideration.
> (Actually, the "make modules" and "make modep" commands probably do write
> the object code to the /lib/mod directories. I'd have to check to be
> certain.)
I did do a make modules and gathered that that's what it does.
> > So my grand plan was to rename
> > all of these, well except for /var and /tmp and start over, again,
> That is a pretty sure way to get started all over again alright <grin>.
I can vouch for that.
> I haven't looked at the details of a boot floppy lately. It either has a
> boot loader that points to the kernel on the hard drive, or has a bootable
> copy of the kernel that starts and mounts the root file system from the
> hard drive.
I was actually referring to the image from bzdisk
> OK, but hopefully now you know that the compilation really didn't create
> any so-called replacements in all of these directories.
Yep... all too well.
> I think you need to modify your thinking slightly. For security purposes,
> I think what matters most is what processes are actually running on the
> CPU.
Uh oh. I see another big mistake coming on :}
> I like your willingness to experiment!
Thanks, would you mind making the mistakes for me :} It's the hard way to
learn but it's not as incremental as reading then doing. You learn the
in betweens this way. And the creative thinking Whoa. Definately
challenges the thought pattern. I'd be curious, several people
commented on this back in Feb., to find out how many people are working
without the BS degree. Who learned this way. Doesn't seem like people are
willing to hire big dummies :} (to steal a term from Fred Sanford).
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