[lug] Tape Drive Recommendation...

Archer Sully archer at meer.net
Sat Aug 19 21:34:35 MDT 2000

Sean Reifschneider wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 19, 2000 at 03:38:30PM -0600, Nate Duehr wrote:
> >I take it the OnStreams work ok with Linux?  Was wondering about that
> >when I saw them in the stores.
> Some do, some don't.  Apparently, some of the SCSI ones don't actually
> implement the SCSI tape protocol, so they don't work with the Linux
> SCSI tape driver.

There is now a version of the scsi tape driver that works with
the SC50, available from http://linux1.onstream.nl.

There is also a driver for the IDE drive, and the ADR-50 works
with the scsi tape driver as-is.

-- archer

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