[lug] DNS and a thanks for the DSL info.

John Starkey jstarkey at ajstarkey.com
Sun Aug 27 12:59:11 MDT 2000

> This is for *REVERSE* DNS only.  I don't know if they can set it up so
> that they can delegate the reverse to your DNS server.  I would hope that
> they are, but with USWest you can never tell.

So can I get my forward in the loop?? I'm not sure where I'll need the
reverse. I guess if my domain resolves at register.com then I'll need the
reverse here. But in that case it won't really make any difference if
USWest is taking care of that?? Correct? Once it gets here I can
<VirtualHost> everything to resolve. 

example: the domain in question is advancecreations.com. register.com gets
the query advancecreations.com and it resolves to (an @home
IP). At home get's the reverse query and resolves to my machine. (as I see

I think I'm on trak with what your saying. If so then how do I get my
names and the, www, ftp, etc. CNAMES to go crusading to the DNS world??
It's easy at register.com, but I have no clue how to get DNS servers to
query my machine. Is there anyway I can break them as long as my syntax is
correct and I stay within my domain and IP@ block with the entries?

> Reverse is what what happens when you connect to a remote site and it
> asks "Hey, I have this IP address...  What's the name associated with
> it?"

Which can safely be handled by USWest. And I won't have to contact them
everytime I register a name?
> Forward DNS is all determined by what that domain record says.  Forward
> DNS lookups are when somone asks "what's the IP address associated
> with www.example.com?".

Ok. And this by no means, has to be on the same DNS server? Although it
will eventually get to it once I enter the forward on my machine?

> If you are running a RedHat-based system you can do "service named start".

More better than /etc/rc.d/init.d/named restart


> ndc is the "name daemon control" program.  Once the server is running,
> you can use ndc to make it do various things.

Know where any doc is for this?

> IP addresses don't have to resolve to anything to work (except in current

Yea, I was using the IP@ originally to get to my machine remotely for

> adding "*.*<tab>/var/log/all" to the end of /etc/syslog.conf and doing
> "killall -HUP syslogd" -- that will create a log file /var/log/all which
> will contain ALL messages the syslog daemon sees.

I may have turned this off. I went thru and weeded this out a month ago.
Customized, broke and fixed it.:}



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