[lug] Re: reverse DNS info

John Hernandez John.Hernandez at noaa.gov
Mon Aug 28 11:00:24 MDT 2000

There's an RFC 2317 which applies to non-classful boundary delegation of
reverse DNS records:


Convincing your ISP to follow these guidelines could be a tricky
matter.  They will usually prefer the maintenance-free homogenous
solution, yielding results like 10-9-8-7.customer.isp.com.


John Hernandez, Network Engineer --------------------------------------
US Department of Commerce                             tel: 303-497-6392
NOAA/OAR - Mailstop R/OM12                            fax: 303-497-6005
325 Broadway                            e-mail: John.Hernandez at noaa.gov
Boulder, CO 80303                               http://boulder.noaa.gov

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