[lug] sound recording roadblocks and solutions

Wayde Allen wallen at its.bldrdoc.gov
Fri Sep 8 09:10:56 MDT 2000

On Thu, 7 Sep 2000, Scott A. Herod wrote:

>   I, or perhaps one of my co-workers, would be happy to discuss video
> and audio with Linux.  Do you have any idea of when a good time would
> be?
> For me it would be best to wait until later in the year.  I see that
> your
> Dec. 14 meeting is open.

This sounds great!  I will have to get back to you about the available
meeting times.  I need to double check that I haven't already promised the
December 14 date to anyone, and unfortunately at the moment my meeting
schedule correspondence is wrapped up in a tarball since I've been moving
my office.

Off the top of my head I think that it still is available.  At
the very least, we could certainly schedule you in for the January

- Wayde
  (wallen at its.bldrdoc.gov) 

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