[lug] Re: Wide Ultra2 SCSI LVD/SE card for Linux

David Morris boru at frii.com
Fri Sep 8 10:25:58 MDT 2000

I highly recommend Adaptec's latest line of cards.  There are four
cards whose purpose varies depending on what your requirements
are...For most desktop users, the 19160 (I think that is the number)
offers all possile internal interfaces, and a 50 pin HD external
connector.  As noted in a recent message, support for these cards is
in a recent version of the kernel, so you would have to look into
exactly what kernel version you have and need.

If you cannot use a kernel that supports these latest cards, go with
the Adaptec AHA 2940 UW2.  This is an excellant card that is supported
through most all kernels, but lacks the new SCSI 160 interface.


On Fri, 8 Sep 2000, Alan Robertson wrote:

> Alan Robertson wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I just ordered one of the Ecrix tape drives in Wide Ultra2 LVD.
> > 
> > What SCSI card would the experts on this esteemed list recommend that I buy
> > to run it with?
> OK...
> Does anyone have *any* card to suggest for Wide Ultra2 LVD SCSI?
> 	Thanks!
> 	-- Alan Robertson
> 	   alanr at suse.com
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