[lug] Anyone with Red Hat v 7.0?

Nate Duehr nate at natetech.com
Fri Oct 6 11:05:59 MDT 2000

I replied to Sean off-list on this one.  I know about the Slashdot
posting and follow-up from RedHat.

I had this info from a completely different source, and thought it had
gone "public" after the first /. posting.  

Obviously they may change their minds now or already have, but the
person I was talking to about it still says not to count on a RH Sparc
version indefinitely.  They may release 7.0, but it still may disappear


Sean Reifschneider wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 03, 2000 at 05:02:32PM -0600, Nate Duehr wrote:
> >Also, what's everyone else think about them dropping the Sparc version
> >of the distro?  I have a Sparc Ultra V with RH 6.2 on it that just lost
> Where did you hear that RedHat is dropping support for Sparc?  If it was
> Slashdot, you apparently didn't read down to the response from RedHat
> that said "Uh, Sparc and Alpha releases ALWAYS lag behind ix86, it'll
> be out soon"?
> >So many people equate "RedHat" with Linux, it's disgraceful for them to
> >release 7.0 the way it is.
> At least it works.  6.0 wouldn't even install on a lot of hardware.
> I'm glad that they seem to have gotten better.
> I for one am not really torqued that they "broke" a lot of things.  xinetd
> I'm looking forward to.  I understand that they probably released the new
> GCC a bit early.  kgcc for kernel compiles?  Rather have that than a
> compiler that's limited so it can build the kernel...
> >works (unlike the lovely Python tracebacks given by RedHat installer on
> >6.1 when it didn't like things).
> IMHO, tracebacks are a hell of a lot nicer than just dieing without
> reporting what went wrong.  It's one of the things I love about Python.
> Having mucked around with custom redhat-based distributions and in the
> installer itself, I can tell you that I really appreciate the tracebacks.
> Sean
> --
>  668:     Next door neighbor of the beast.
>  vivivi:  The editor of the beast.
> Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <jafo at tummy.com>
> tummy.com - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python
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