[lug] /etc/apt/sources.list

Nate Duehr nate at natetech.com
Sun Oct 8 16:41:34 MDT 2000

I forget who I was giving a copy of my apt sources list to.  Here's the one
that works for getting security and proposed-updates for Debian potato...

deb http://security.debian.org stable/updates main contrib non-free
deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian dists/proposed-updates/
deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian potato main contrib non-free
deb http://non-us.debian.org/ potato/non-US main contrib non-free


p.s. If you have issues with non-free software (as in freedom, not beer) you
can remove the non-free statements.  You can also install vrms (Virtual
R.M.S.) to tell you what non-free software you have installed monthly.  :)

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