[lug] Printer question

Deva Samartha YTAFTDJAHCWS at spammotel.com
Sun Oct 8 23:11:04 MDT 2000

Maybe this helps:

As far as I know, the HP network printer interface defaults to a certain IP.

I got a printer once up by hooking a PC with Windoze up and configuring the 
PC's network IP address to the default printer network address. That way, I 
was able to talk to the printer with Jetadmin (sp?) which is free 
downloadable from the internet and could configure it from there with a 
static IP.

By default I think the HP network interfaces usep bootp or DHCP but can be 
addressed with static IP.

Bthw - HP supports(ed) a version of Jetadmin for Linux but _only_ for Red 
Hat (at least when I used it 6 month ago) under a particular release but 
this version (of Jetadmin for Linux) was so fussy that it would not work 
under another flavor of Linux - SuSE in that case and I had to resort to 
laptop-Windoze to get it up and running.


>Howdy!  I was wondering if anyone knows how to configure an HP laserjet
>1100 connected to a jetdirect 170x?  The 170x is using dhcp, and there
>is *no* chance of getting a static IP.  I looked at the various HOWTO's,
>but they all seem to indicate an IP address/name is necessary to talk to
>the printer.  Since the IP address occasionally changes, I was wondering
>if there was a way to use the 170x's hardware address?

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