[lug] A-network-card-hunting.

Timothy C. Klein teece at hypermall.net
Wed Nov 1 08:22:42 MST 2000

I got some wierd brand cards that use the tulip driver from CompUSA.  I got 
on of those 'home networking kits' with a hub, 2 pci nics (10/100) and cat 5 
cable for something like $80.  I have been pleased with the price performane 
ratio.  The company was called SOHOware.  Goofy name.

They work fine with Linux, I do nothing special but modprobe tulip, and 
ifconfig and they work.


On Monday 30 October 2000 21:22, you wrote:
> Yet more hardware adventures.
> I got a Netgear FA311 at CompUSA today because it said "Linux" on the
> box.  Had I known better, I wouldn't have.  I'll be returning it
> tomorrow.
> Can somebody recommend a decent PCI network card for under $40 that I
> could get somewhere locally (CompUSA would natually be convenient), is
> supported in kernels newer than 2.0.36, and not likely to become
> unsupported anytime soon?
> Lessons learned: Just because it says "Linux" on the box doesn't mean
> it's worth its weight in salt.  And it's only 90 grams.  Hrmph.
> --
> Chris Riddoch
> socket at peakpeak.com
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== Timothy Klein       || And what rough beast                   ==

== teece at hypermall.net || Its hour come round at last            ==
== Aufwiedersehen!     || Slouches towards Bethleham to be born? ==
== Aufwiedersehen!     || The beast of Redmond, nothing more.    ==

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