[lug] Boulder Linux Users Group - November 9, 2000 Meeting Summary

J. Wayde Allen wallen at its.bldrdoc.gov
Tue Nov 21 10:02:51 MST 2000

              Boulder Linux User's Group Meeting Summary

Attendance:  approximately 50   

Synopsis:  This month we began what is hoped will be an ongoing series of
10 minute presentations introducing a software package or tool.  This
month we featured the VI editor with an overview presentation by Chip
Atkinson <CAtkinson at Circadence.com>.  A copy of his notes can be found at
<http://archive.lug.boulder.co.us/bymonth/2000.11/msg00198.html>.  An
additional set of notes can be found at

The featured speaker this month was Jane Ryland
(jryland at educause.edu).  She is a membership consultant for the Internet2
consortium <www.internet2.edu>.  Her talk covered the organization of the
consortium, their mission, and demonstrated some of the technologies that
they have been experimenting with.  Basically, they are working to develop
new applications and technology for the future development of the
Internet (see http://www.internet2.edu/html/about.html).

We wrapped up the evening with our usual question and answer period, door
prize drawing, and post meeting socializing. 

Next Meeting:  December 14, 2000 in the NIST auditorium at 7:00 p.m..  
               The featured presentation will be "Audio/Video Processing
               using Linux" by Scott Herod (herod at interact-tv.com).

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