Subject: Re: [lug] Recovering using the RedHat CD?

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Wed Nov 22 14:39:03 MST 2000

>>>>> "Scott" == "Scott A Herod" <herod at> writes:

Scott> No, it still hacks right after saying: "loading sound module
Scott> (via82cxxx)"

You can try:

LILO boot: linux emergency

That should load fewer things that single user mode...

If that doesn't work, you will have to boot from the cd and type
"linux rescue", act like you are going to upgrade the system, and go
until you get to the second stage install. Then you will have a prompt
on alt-f2 that you can use to get in and modify your
/etc/conf.modules. ;) 

Scott> Scott

Scott> "Ferdinand P. Schmid" wrote:
>>  Boot into single user mode: At the boot prompt LILO: type: linux
>> single
>> That should get you to a prompt and you can do basic sys admin
>> work.
>> Ferdinand
>> "Scott A. Herod" wrote:
>> > Hello, > > Slightly embarrassing question: I've just run
>> sndconfig on a new > machine that contains some rare sound
>> hardware, and while sndconfig > reports that it found the hardware
>> and wrote something into > /etc/conf.modules, the machine now fails
>> to boot.  It freezes while > initializing sound.  Is there a way to
>> mount the hard drive while > booting off the RedHat CD?  All I want
>> to do is comment out a > line in /etc/conf.modules.  If not, I
>> guess I can pull the drive > out and stick it in another box
>> temporarily.  > > Thanks, > > Scott

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Kevin Fenzi
MTS,, ltd.  KRUD - Kevin's Red Hat Uber Distribution

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