[Re: [Re: [lug] Web scripts?]]

Justin glowecon at netscape.net
Thu Nov 30 07:32:33 MST 2000

I was hoping to find something that did just that, basically took inputs from
fields (on a web form) then used the passwd command to make the change. I've
found a couple that might do the job after searching for a while.


Sean Reifschneider <jafo at tummy.com> wrote:
> Have you looked at the passwd command?  Specifically, the "--stdin"
> option?  You'll need to validate the old password first, but this will
> allow you to change it.  At one point I wrote something that would take
> "user:old:new" via stdin, and would validate the old password and change
> it only if that password was correct, but the above should work as well
> if not better -- I mean you KNOW where that program is...
> Sean
> -- 
>  What country is lead by the son of the past leader, former head of the
>  secret police, whos brother governs the state that could tip the vote?
> Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <jafo at tummy.com>
> tummy.com - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python
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