[lug] procmail config

Jeff Francis jfrancis at frii.com
Mon Dec 4 16:29:55 MST 2000

  Try this:

* ^Subject.*\[lug\]*

On Mon, Dec 04, 2000 at 05:23:11PM -0600, C Menzes wrote:
> hello all-
> i think could be considered my first post to the group. i'd appreciate
> someone with some procmail expertise to help a lost soul on this one.
> my procmailrc is as follows:
> :0
> * ^Subject:.*LUG
> which i am hoping will filter all lug mail into its own directory. however
> it just doesnt seem to be working. suggestions, or should i say,
> corrections?
> thanks -cjm

|      Jeff Francis - N0GQ      | "...at least the average      | Ack!   |
|      Sr. Systems Engineer     |  conservative gun-nut can put | ____/| |
|    Nortel Networks / Shasta   |  a nice clean shot through    | \ o.O| |
|     Denver, CO USA DM79nr     |  the correct hole on his      |  =(_)= |
| 39d43m16.4s N  104d52m10.7s W |  ballot from 200 yards."      |    U   |
|       jfrancis at frii.com       |                               |        |
| http://www.frii.com/~jfrancis |      --London Daily Telegraph | PRR... |

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