[lug] Screen res and modes

John Starkey jstarkey at advancecreations.com
Mon Dec 18 17:26:00 MST 2000

Thanks Bill, Chip, and Scott. I now have a working 1280x1024. I used
XF86Setup to get there, I didn't duck when I tried it, and now I know the
problem. Well the biggest one. (HorizSync).

Any idea why I can get 1280x1024 but not 1024x800?

Thanks again.

On Mon, 18 Dec 2000, Scott A. Herod wrote:

> I'm guessing that your horizontal sync range is set too low.
> In /etc/X11/XF86Config you should have a line that looks
> something like:
>     HorizSync  
> 30-97                                                           
> The high number that you have set is probably on the order of
> 37.  The lowest acceptable 1280x1024 standard modeline requires
> the upper number to be at least 64.2.  If you've got a multi-sync
> monitor that's not more than a few years old, you will probably
> be ok setting you HorizSync high enough to get there.
> One thing you can do if you are worried about over clocking the
> monitor is turn X off.  ( Kill it, not just escape out to a
> tty. )  And run "X -probeonly > /tmp/CONFIG_REPORT".  
> In the tmp file you should see a report of what modelines X saw
> and what horizontal sync is required for each.  Then you can go
> tweak the HorizSync range to get the mode you want.
> Scott
> John Starkey wrote:
> > 
> > Hello again.
> > 
> > I've been thru the archives looking for an answer to this and I only found
> > some old threads about setting screen res in general.
> > 
> > Last night on a fresh install I had everything working great except I
> > couldn't get out of 1280x1024. So I tried to do a reinstall and
> > specify 1024x768 as the default but that didn't work. Now I'm stuch
> > with 800x600 and can't even get 1280x1024 back. My luck.
> > 
> > I've been all through the XF86Config trying multiple things but I keep
> > getting "No valid modes found". I assume it's referring to the ModeLine
> > statements in the monitor section. I'd prefer not to blow up the monitor
> > so I'm hesitent to make any changes to the sync data.
> > 
> > Anyone know what I can do. I know 1280 worked, why can't it find a
> > modeline for that atleast?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > John
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