[lug] Sun Ultra Sparc10 440MHz *End of the Year Sale* December 31, 2000

Ulises V. Martinez uvm at novustar.com
Wed Dec 20 00:12:14 MST 2000

* End of the Year Sale *  * Christmas Special *


The Powerful, Expandable Ultra System That's Easy To Afford. For demanding
technical and commercial applications like 3-D modeling, workstations are
the best solution. And the Sun Ultra™10 system sets new standards for
performance and value in a desktop workstation.

FOR SALE *Brand New*

Sun Sparc 10 Systems:

440 MHz and a large 2-MB external cache, 512 Megs Ram, 18.0 gig HD's

Includes Solaris 8.0, Star Office preinstalled
$3,995.00/ea  P/N: A22UKC1Z17 ( P-C512CP Model 440MHz ) UltraSPARC
$1,250.00/ea  P/N: X7136A (Flat 21" Color Monitor 19.8" v.a.)

Buyer pays shipping!
I have qty 20 in stock ready to deliver while supply last. Terms are COD

Ulises V. Martinez - 703-208-1980  uvm at novustar.com

Check out:  http://novustar.com/sunultra/index.htm

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