[lug] a belly laugh from Windows magazine
Atkinson, Chip
CAtkinson at Circadence.com
Fri Dec 29 10:12:16 MST 2000
Isn't one symptom of neurosis doing the same thing again and again and
expecting different results each time? One waits and waits, expecting MS to
fix a problem this time, though they have never fixed it in the past.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Calvin Dodge [mailto:caldodge at fpcc.net]
> Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 10:04 AM
> To: Boulder Linux Users' Group
> Subject: [lug] a belly laugh from Windows magazine
> I got an unintentional chuckle upon reading Windows
> Magazine's "Best and Worst
> of 2000" list - specifically their take on Linux
> (http://www.winmag.com/specreps/feats/2000/lookback/05.htm).
> Would you care to
> guess their opinion of Linux? They love it - NOT!
> But the belly laugh was provided by the following line on that page:
> > If Microsoft fails to respond to specific bugs in a timely
> fashion, the best way to
> > solve that is not to desert it for another product, but to
> keep a firm and resolute
> > pressure on it until it does so.
> In other words, keep waiting (and waiting and waiting) for
> Microsoft to fix the
> product, and if they don't ... well ... you can always find
> another line of
> business (like the Speed Ferret folks, who hit a brick wall
> in trying to adapt
> their product to Access 2000).
> (Even my boss laughed - derisively - at that quote, and he
> makes a living
> selling software which works only with Microsoft Office)
> Calvin
> --
> Calvin Dodge
> Certified Linux Bigot (tm)
> http://www.caldodge.fpcc.net
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