[lug] vi question

Ken Scott kscott-list at pcisys.net
Fri Jan 19 11:37:43 MST 2001

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Scott A. Herod wrote:

> On a related note:
> I'd love to have an editor that can collapse parenthases or braces.
> Does such a thing exist?

It's being worked on. Vim 6 is in development now (at alpha release 6.0s
right now) and it features folding.

Visit www.vim.org for information on where to get the development version.
Should build and run fine on and Linux (and even Windows, if you must).


><>   Ken Scott   kscott at pcisys.net   http://www.pcisys.net/~kscott   
              This is the day that the Lord has made;             
              I will rejoice and be glad in it!          -- Psalm 118:24  

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