[lug] Social: Hacking get-to-gether, Sunday Jan 28, Denver

Lynn Danielson Lynn.Danielson at clue.denver.co.us
Mon Jan 22 16:32:57 MST 2001

"D. Stimits" wrote:
> Sean Reifschneider wrote:
> > Falling Rock Tap House in Downtown Denver.
> Out of curiosity, is this place one of the category "internet/cyber
> cafe"? Is this the kind of place where people would normally expect to
> go and find Internet connections? Do they actually have computers there,
> or connections for people that bring their own?

Nope.  Falling Rock Tap House is the favorite pub of several people
who used to work for a local DSL provider.  They set up the connection
and server.  There are a handful of ethernet jacks throughout the bar
and 802.11b wireless upstairs.  Connectivity is currently free to all 
pub patrons, but neither computers or peripherals are provided.  


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