[lug] Looking for CVS Constultant

J. Wayde Allen wallen at its.bldrdoc.gov
Thu Feb 1 15:28:17 MST 2001

Got the following and thought I'd pass it along to the group.  If you are
interested please respond directly to Ellie Dummett <TPSolutions at rcn.com>.

- Wayde
  (wallen at its.bldrdoc.gov)

---------- Forwarded message ----------

My name is Ellie Dummett and I would greatly appreciate any assistance you
can provide.  I have a client seeking a consultant (and permanent position)
to have full responsibility for the software development environment  and
integration releases using CVS.   This involves maintaining and enhancing
the source code control system as well as all the build procedures.  If you
know of anyone who would be interested in learning more, it would be greatly
appreciated.  This is a contract position located in Sudbury, MA and in dire

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Ellie Dummett
Turning Point Solutions, Inc.
508-405-1901 (Voice)
801-469-4096 (e-Fax)
TPSolutions at rcn.com

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