[lug] CVS question

Scott A. Herod herod at interact-tv.com
Tue Feb 13 14:00:08 MST 2001

Yes, I actually use $Date$ as well but typically don't check stuff
in until it has stablized a bit.  ( That also avoids the quandry of
having to add then remove files a lot. )  Of course I've accidently
deleted important stuff in the past before I checked it in.

Also, I noticed last night that the RPM version of CVS also 
sticks "Version Management with CVS" by Cederqvist et al in 
/usr/doc.  It's ps and can be viewed with ghostview.

Thanks for the note,


Nate Duehr wrote:
> I'm not sure if it would be easier or not, but CVS itself understands certain
> macros placed in source and can do the timestamping for you, which leaves
> timestamping at the checkin point, not at the user desktop.  (How many
> developers do you think actually check their clocks or run NTP?  GRIN)
> They call this "keyword expansion" and a short list of them would be:
> $Author$ - person who committed this revision
> $Date$ - duh
> $Id$ - filename, revision, date and author all in one
> $Revision$ - you guessed it
> $Source$ - path to source tree in CVS
> $Log$ - last log entry
> There are quite a few more, I recommend Open Source Development with CVS from
> Coiolis OpenPress.  [I seriously "borrowed" from it for this e-mail!]
> Much of the book is GPL'ed and used to be easy to find on their web page, but
> the last time I was there they'd kinda messed up their site design (too
> cluttered) and I couldn't find it.  Cover price #39.99 and well worth it.
> Especially if you have to admin a CVS repository and need to understand the
> internals.
> I've read the Cederqvist cover to cover, and I like this book a lot better.
> Quoting "Scott A. Herod" <herod at interact-tv.com>:
> > I've been having emacs time stamp my source files everytime that I
> > save them.  Last night I noticed that if I try to check in copies
> > from multiple places, the time stamp appears as a conflict to CVS.
> --
> Nate Duehr

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