[lug] Request for ISP information

Bob Collins bcollins at csd.net
Sun Feb 18 17:06:04 MST 2001


Thanks for your response.  I wasn't able to find idcomm.com,
but I thought you might be interested in those I have found
so far.  I know it is not 100% accurate, for instance,  csd
charges 22.00 not 20.00 per month if you don't allow it to
be charged to your credit card.

   Regards, Bob Collins
One difference between a man and a machine is that a machine
is quiet when well oiled.
-------------- next part --------------
Name		Connect Fee	Storag 	Monthly 	Time
ezlink		None		20 MB	20.00		240 hrs.
dimensional	10.00		10 MB	25.00 *		No limit
fairplay	None		10 MB	16.95		No limit
peakpeak	None		10 MB	19.95 **	No limit	
csd		None		10 MB	25.00 ***	No limit

* dimensional: Time 20 hours 15.00; 50 hours 22.00
** peakpeak: pay ahead 3 months = 17.95; 6 months 15.95
*** csd: Time 15 hours 15.00; 150 hours 20.00

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