[lug] Looking for C++ help

D. Stimits stimits at idcomm.com
Wed Feb 21 13:26:10 MST 2001

Ken Weinert wrote:
> OK, I'm trying to find an elegant way to do this.
> I'm using OpenSP to parse an incoming SGML file - I need to write out
> flat files (maintaining relationships) for later loading into a
> database.
> I've a document class with member functions for each of the relevant
> tags. My question is this: is there an easy/elegant way of taking the
> the startElementEvent of onsgmls and dispatching the collected data into
> my document class?
> Is this too vague of a question? (in my opinion, yes - but I'm not sure
> how long winded to get if this isn't a subject any one is interested in
> :)
> --
> Ken Weinert   kenw at ihs.com 303-858-6956 (V) 303-705-4258 (F)
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It probably requires a more complete description of what you mean by
dispatching (longer is shorter in this case). I, for one, have not used
OpenSP, but I am familiar with SGML (only the basics). I'm guessing that
you will eventually end up with a closeElementEvent, and that an
attribute will be applied to whatever is between the two tags. But you
need notify the document class that what is coming next should be marked
with a particular element type until further notice? I've considered
writing my own C++ IDE (and syntax highlighting editor), and considered
SGML and other markup languages for internal representation, and this
sounds similar.

D. Stimits, stimits at idcomm.com

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