[lug] Slow runnings on KRUD7 w/ 2.4.2 and KRUD7 router.

John Starkey jstarkey at advancecreations.com
Tue Mar 13 16:10:08 MST 2001

> Like a moron I was trying to get away with aliasing the eth0 card until I
> could get an ISA NIC for my cheap 100 MHz machine with one PCI slot (the
> router). The iMac was running fine so I didn't think it was the cause. I did
> a traceroute and found that the packets would be ok 50% of the time and the
> other tries would make it to the first remote router and come right back. The
> third entry was my router in those traces. So I switched them and everything
> is fine.

I switched to a different box... sorry.

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