[lug] More TTF and Netscape

Kevin Moore klmoore at digitalglobe.com
Wed Mar 21 15:53:37 MST 2001

Looks fine to me with my TTF's. I'm using:

For the Encoding: Western (iso-8859-1)
Variable Width Font Arial Unicode Ms (Monotype) Size: 12.0 
Allow Scaling not checked
Fixed Width Font Courier Adobe Size: 12.0
Allow Scaling not checked
Use my default fonts, overriding document specified fonts is checked

hope this helps....Kevin

Systems Administrator
EarthWatch Inc.
Tel: +1 303.702.5528
Fax: +1 303.682.3848

-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Hodges [mailto:Gary.Hodges at noaa.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 2:44 PM
To: lug at lug.boulder.co.us
Subject: [lug] More TTF and Netscape

The other day I finally got around to installing True Type fonts with the
rpm someone on the list put together.  After some fiddling around, I now
view nicer looking web pages with one exception
<http://cbs.marketwatch.com>.  That page uses a small font of some flavor
for many of their articles that I seriously can't read with any combination
of fonts and sizes that I have tried.  I think the site made a change after
I got TTF installed, because I used to be able to view that site without any
problems.  The descriptions of the articles on the front page are typically
written in that unreadable (to me) font.  If someone on the list with TTF
installed could take a look at that page and let me what font/size combo you
use, if you can read the text of course, I sure would appreciate it.


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