[lug] Routing and whether network is down.

John Starkey jstarkey at advancecreations.com
Tue Mar 27 13:26:31 MST 2001

I'm talking to the admin of a few sites I'm working with and she's
telling me that the site was down based on this:

> C:\WINDOWS>tracert whatever.com
> Tracing route to whatever.com [192.41.xx.xx]
> over a maximum of 30 hops:
>   1   <10 ms   <10 ms   <10 ms  CI273185-A [192.168.x.x]
>   2   <10 ms    14 ms    13 ms  10.71.x.x
>   3    14 ms   <10 ms    14 ms  bb1-100bt.athen1.ga.home.net
>   4  c1-se10-0.atlnga1.home.net []  reports: Destination
host unreach

The destination is in CA and she hasn't gotten past GA in the jumps.
The "Destination host unreachable" is what? The host or the next router?
If the final destination (the site) was down there'd be an error message
returned from the last router, not several routers beforehand, right?



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