[lug] Stumped by Samba

Ferdinand Schmid fschmid at archenergy.com
Fri Apr 13 10:30:35 MDT 2001

A few thoughts:
- Are you sharing any files or directories that could show up?
- Consider running SAMBA 2.0.7 or later ( I have been quite happy with
the 2.2_alpha release).
- What do you see in your logs (smb and nmb logs)?  Any hints of broken

Samba has been fairly picky about name resolution.  I had lots of
trouble when my DNS listing for computers was different than the netbios
name.  You may also want to look at the resolv order and set a WINS
server.  If WINS is not selected then Samba won't use a master browser. 
Just for experimenting you could make broadcast the primary choice.

Sorry for the incomplete message - I am in a terrible hurry today but
also understand how bad it feels being stuck with a samba problem.


DeVerter at robinsonmechanical.com wrote:
>      I'll apologize first for the length but I figure the more detail the
> better, right???
>      I am building up a new SMB server for my network.  I copied
> /etc/smb.conf from a current SMB server I have running making appropriate
> changes when necessary (share names, netbios name).  No errors are returned
> by testparm.
> # /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb start
> starting smb services:        [ok]
> starting nmb services:        [ok]
> # /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb status
> smbd (pid xxxx) is running...
> nmbd (pid xxxx) is running
> Looks good so far...
> The netbios name becomes available in windows network neighborhood but
> double-clicking returns:
> \\Rmc10 is not accessable.
> I have built proper user accounts on the smb box.  So now I use smbclient
> to inspect it form Linux:
> # smbclient -U% -L rmc10
> Sharename Type Comment
> --------  ---  -----
> dos       disk network drive
> IPC$      IPC  IPC Service (Samba 2.0.6 on rmc10)
> Server              Comment
> -----               --------
> RMC10          Samba 2.0.6 on rmc10
> Workgroup      Master
> --------       ------
>      So there it is, nothing shows up under master browser.  Using the same
> command replacing the hostname (rmc3, my other smb box)  tells me the
> master browser name (an nt box on the network).  My two smb's are identical
> except that: rmc10 is dual NIC and is RH6.2 with a  kernel version
> 2.4.2(needed for Mylex RAID controller driver(DAC960)).  I have exhausted
> my O'Reilly 'Using Samba' so any help you can throw at me I would
> appreciate.
> Happy Friday,
> Mark d.
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Ferdinand Schmid
303-444-4149 x231

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