[lug] hooray, anti spam

John Starkey jstarkey at advancecreations.com
Thu May 31 23:20:18 MDT 2001

> I already do all of the above, but instead of myself having to view it,
> I'd rather have the other end sending the spam get hit by bounce
> messages (it would be better if their results showed this as an invalid
> email address from their domain). Last night about 2 am I went to sleep
> after checking email. This morning I woke up and had 173 new emails. I
> have a strong dislike for wasting time on spammers. And most of them are
> outright frauds with forged headers, invalid removal links, and
> stupid/false statements like "you requested this".

I've had a forwarding addy from iname.com for about 5 years now. I stopped
using it over a year ago and just recently decided/remembered to forward
it to my new domain. After a whole year of bounces I'm still getting 5-10
spams per day. It's not gonna stop. There's no regard, obviously, for
bandwidth or mailing list accuracy.

My guess is that the more names on the list, whether good or not, the more
$$ per sale.

Anyway. Just my 2 cents of FYI. I think /dev/null or spamcop is the only
thing you're gonna do about it. Hell, half of the ones I get aren't even
legal spams :} No remove addies or anything. Funny how many of them are
offering a chance for me to have my very own domain. :} NSI spammed me a
few days ago saying they are happy I registered a new domain (with another
registrar) and wanna offer to park it for me.


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