[lug] Oracle

Brad Doctor bdoctor at ps-ax.com
Mon Jun 11 22:46:49 MDT 2001

Yep, if the user has the proper permissions, they can do whatever they need 
to do.  I have found Oracletool to be extremely helpful: 
http://www.oracletool.com.  It is GPL or something, done in Perl.  You just 
need CGI and DBD::Oracle installed to use it - it has been invaluable to me.

However you set things up, be sure to never use the SYSTEM tablespace, and 
make sure the user has their own tablespace, roll backs (RBS), and 
temp/scratch space.  If you are going to be doing very large queries, 
create an RBS to be used for those queries at sql execution time.  Also 
look into the PQA, Parallel Query Agents if you will be doing very large 
queries on very large tablespaces.  I've used those on 50GB tablespaces 
with great success on a four processor VA Linux box.  The difference is 
amazing.  Also, the more disks Oracle can use for individual tablespace 
segments, the better.  A large RAID box gives horrible performance under 
linux compared to 0+1, or if you are brave and bent on raw performance, 
single disks.  The raw disk / device wasn't cooked enough when we chose our 
setup, so normal EXT2FS for the installation.  Pay careful attention to 
your buffer space and your block size.  The default block size is 8192, but 
that is too large for most uses.  I would go with 4096, and set the buffer 
to be 25% of available system ram, for starters.  You can increase it later 
via dbs/init<SID>.ora.  However, know that you will need to rebuild *all* 
tablespaces should you change the block size, so beware :)

Also, I have had very questionable experience with 8.1.7 on Linux / 
RH6.2.  It went on without a hitch but had a nasty habit of disconnecting 
the session at random intervals for no discernable reason (Perl DBD).  For 
that reason, I would go with 8.1.6 even though it is older -- no issues 
with that.  Avoid 8.0.5 if you can.  We never needed to modify the 2.4.x 
kernels for shared memory or anything like that, beyond setting /proc via 
rc.local, FYI.

Technet is also quite helpful -- technet.oracle.com.  Free registration 
gives you a lot of useful help with the ORA error messages, etc.

Let me know if you need any more help, happy to help!


At 06:41 PM 6/11/2001 -0600, Kyle Moore wrote:
>I'm cruising through the Oracle Admin guide but was wondering one
>specific thing. I was hoping that one of you with Oracle experience
>might be able to tell me if you have to have a DBA to do things like
>create tables and columns and such. A big deal with our application
>developers is not to have to call the DBA every time they need something
>I assume Oracle is like every other SQL db I have used in that you can
>give users specific roles and allow them to CREATE, INSERT, DROP, etc.
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