[lug] Emacs won't type "["

Glenn Murray gmurray at Mines.EDU
Fri Jun 15 15:38:14 MDT 2001


Do you mean like

'(jde-key-bindings (quote (("[? ? ?]" . jde-run-menu-run-applet)...

Actually this file (prj.el) is a JDE-generated file, but the JDE
developer seems to work mostly on Windows.

Glenn Murray

On 15 Jun 2001, Tkil wrote:
> fwiw, it looks like you're confusing the function-key method of
> binding keys, with the string methods.  in xemacs, you can say either:
> 	(define-key global-map "\^X\^I" 'command-1)
> 	(define-key global-map [(control x) (control i)] 'command-2)
> it looks like you're putting some of these in actual quotes somewhere,
> and that's a bad thing (unless you're pretty carefula bout it).

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