[lug] Re: Scp Config

rm at mamma.varadinet.de rm at mamma.varadinet.de
Fri Jun 29 00:40:38 MDT 2001

On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 03:53:22PM -0600, Gary Frerking wrote:

> Along the lines of what John mentioned, I've seen interactive logins
> disabled for specific accounts by not having a shell assigned to the
> account at all (or assigning some sort of null shell or something to the
> account -- like '/bin/false'?).
> I've seen this sort of technique used more than once on more than one
> flavor of *nix. I seem to recall the details varied a bit depending on
> the *nix.
> I don't have the details of how to do it handy, it's just a faint memory
> -- sorry.
> Hopefully this will give you enough of a pointer (or trigger someone
> else's memory).

Yes, you can disable interactive logins with this trick, but you won't be
able to use 'scp' once you apply it. scp (like the old 'rcp') is nothing more
than a thin layer on top of a ssh login -- it'll use commands like 'cd' and
'cp' on both sides, so restricting one side will break the program. The same
is true for 'rsync' btw.


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