[lug] fetchmail

Ken Weinert kenw at ihs.com
Tue Jul 3 14:11:22 MDT 2001

* D. Stimits (stimits at idcomm.com) [010703 19:50]:
> similar problem, but only root runs wvdial anyway (or at least only root
> has access to /etc/wvdial.conf, or else it argues about
> running...fetchmail does not argue).

	Are you sure? When I run fetchmail with my .fetchmailrc being
too permissive it complains and won't run:

File /home/kenw/.fetchmailrc must have no more than -rwx--x--- (0710)

	This doesn't change the fact that the password is non-encrypted
in the file - no disagreements there.

	One thing to keep in mind: for some reason when I switched to
@home fetchmail could no longer determine what I had or had not already
read/downloaded and got everything, every time. I had to switch to
getmail which almost always works. I have had (in the past) certain
messages that would cause getmail to fail, but I don't recall seeing
that problem since the last time I upgraded.

Ken Weinert   kenw at ihs.com 303-858-6956 (V) 303-705-4258 (F)
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The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that
cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong
goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair.
                   from _Mostly Harmless_ by Douglas Adams

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