Greg Horne jeerygh at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 9 13:30:31 MDT 2001

I had everything running smoothly with apache and this program called AW 
stats.  I went to add a custom log so that AW stats could read the log file 
generated by a website.  I typed "Custom Log" instead of "CustomLog"  It 
told me that when I restarted apache, so apache did not restart.  It shut 
down.  I fixed it, and tried to start apache again but it wouldn't.  It gave 
me this error:  Subsystem dead but locked.  I went to the directory 
/var/lock/subsys and deleted the httpd file in there like many sites told me 
to, but it didn't work.  I can't get apache up and running.  I am really in 
a hurry to get this working because this is a hosted site.  Does anybody 
have any clues, or solutions.  I will be so happy if I can get this finished 
and eat.

Greg Horne
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