[lug] C Programming help
tkil at scrye.com
Wed Jul 11 21:17:56 MDT 2001
>>>>> "MV" == MANIGANDAN V <vm at myw.ltindia.com> writes:
MV> ** Proprietary **
please don't send "proprietary" e-mails to a PUBLIC mailing list.
MV> I am new to linux based c programming(I have done it on DOS).
MV> Here there are lot of new headers,functions in the OS itself,If we
MV> want to familiarise these what should i do.
you should be able to find many books dealing with different aspects
of programming o unix systems. are you doing network programs?
clients? servers? how about databases? graphics? guis? other
unlike the monolithic dos/windows world, unix (hence linux) provides
only the ability to do things like that; the actual processes are
typically different modules, and they have very different boundaries
than on windows.
there are man pages for many of the functions you can call from C.
there are info pages for many more. for some, you might have to
resort to reading the source code -- but it's there for you to read.
MV> My company is also ready to send me corporate training (If there
MV> are some good centers tell me)
MV> Is there any good IDE for C,C++ compilers.
i like xemacs, but that's more of a religion than "just an editor".
some people prefer the windows-style IDEs; there are a few of those
for unix, but i've never used them. i believe that cygnus solutions
(now a part of redhat) had an IDE; activestate has also done some work
in that area.
MV> ******I have got a function to clear screen can any one explain it***
MV> clrscr()
MV> {
MV> printf("\033[2J");
MV> printf("\033[0;0F");
MV> }
MV> How???????
note that this will only work for some terminals -- admittedly,
probably most of them, but not all of them. as to how it works,
please consult:
1. man terminfo
2. echo $TERM
3. less /usr/lib/terminfo/<first letter>/<full name>
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