[lug] cp and rm
dajo at frii.com
Wed Aug 1 14:37:06 MDT 2001
>>>>> "David" == David <dajo at frii.com> writes:
David> Personally I like the -i option; the complaint I have is that
David> sometimes I do not seem to be able to disable it with unalias.
That's curious.
Are you sure it is an alias and not something else?
Use `type foo' to see what `foo' is (if you use bash).
I have reproduced the problem for you. Here is a fragment of my
personal .bashrc, my root .bashrc with both a function that works
without prompting (backuphome) and one that does not (testitnow, which
changes /bin/cp to cp and does unalias/alias), and output from the
test. I ran the test from a shell inside emacs 20.7. Note the result
of "type cp" in the output.
## personal .bashrc fragment
# Directories.
alias ls="ls -F -h"
alias dir="ls -lAs | more"
alias dr="ls -l -A"
alias rm="rm -i"
alias mv='mv -i'
alias cp="cp -i"
## root .bashrc
# #
# .bashrc - root configuration file for Bash shell. #
# #
# Hacked-up by dajo #
# -last-modification-date "Wed Aug 1 14:35:21 2001" #
# #
source /home/dajo/.bashrc
alias emacs="/usr/local/bin/emacs -q -l /root/.emacs -g 159x69+130+20 &"
# FVWM2 seems to require this so that it can overwrite initialisation files.
unset noclobber
# Necessary for some operations, e.g., make install for emacs.
# Tool.
tarandgzip ()
# parameter 1 is the name of the file to be created.
# parameter 2 is the directory to be processed.
echo "starting tarandgzip"
echo "tarring $1"
/bin/rm -f $1
tar -cf $1 $2
echo "gzipping $1"
gzip -f $1
echo "completed tarandgzip"
# Archive.
backuphome ()
echo "archive commencing"
mount /Archive2
echo "copying to Archive2"
/bin/cp -Rpf /home/bozo /Archive2/home
/bin/cp -Rpf /home/dajo /Archive2/home
/bin/cp -Rpf /home/Nepenthes /Archive2/home
/bin/cp -Rpf /home/NewSystemFiles /Archive2/home
/bin/cp -Rpf /home/Releases /Archive2/home
tarandgzip /Archive2/dajotar /home/dajo
tarandgzip /Archive2/neptar /home/Nepenthes
umount /Archive2
echo "archive complete"
testitnow ()
echo "archive commencing"
mount /Archive2
unalias cp
type cp
echo "copying to Archive2"
cp -Rpf /home/bozo /Archive2/home
cp -Rpf /home/dajo /Archive2/home
cp -Rpf /home/Nepenthes /Archive2/home
cp -Rpf /home/NewSystemFiles /Archive2/home
cp -Rpf /home/Releases /Archive2/home
tarandgzip /Archive2/dajotar /home/dajo
tarandgzip /Archive2/neptar /home/Nepenthes
alias cp='cp -i'
umount /Archive2
echo "archive complete"
# Output
Rednose root ~ source ./.bashrc
Rednose root ~ testitnow
archive commencing
cp is aliased to `cp -i'
cp is /bin/cp
copying to Archive2
cp: overwrite `/Archive2/home/bozo/.Xdefaults'?
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