[lug] Still more XEmacs.

Tkil tkil at scrye.com
Tue Aug 21 12:10:54 MDT 2001

>>>>> "Steve" == Steve T <maxl at squeep.com> writes:

Steve> XEmacs completely decides to ignore the site-init.el file,
Steve> which I placed in what I thought would be the default location
Steve> for it (/usr/X11R6/lib/xemacs-21.1.14/lisp/site-init.el), given
Steve> that a file called site-load.el lives in the same directory.
Steve> Surprise surprise, XEmacs loads neither of them on start!
Steve> Considering that this is a (supposedly) carefully assembled
Steve> package for Slackware, where should these files go?

on kevin's box (redhat 7.1):

| $ find /usr -name 'site-*.el' -print
| /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/site-start.el
| /usr/share/xemacs-21.1.14/lisp/site-load.el
| /usr/share/xemacs-21.1.14/lisp/site-start.el

where did you get that X11R6 bit?  oh, that's probably where slackware
puts it ... silly, since (despite its name) xemacs isn't dependent on
X Windows.

as for documentation on where to look, the lispref info file describes
it in the node "(lispref)Start-up Summary".  they refer to loading
libraries, which seems to imply that it looks through your load-path.

you could also go outside of xemacs.  strace the xemacs startup and
see what files it looks at.

Steve> I'd just use CMUCL, but unfortunately, the one site I know of
Steve> with source and binaries has been down for a month (the
Steve> official FTP site at cons.org).  If anybody knows of a mirror,
Steve> I'd be appreciative.

well, the web site at cons.org seems to be up.  i did a google search
for "cmucl ilisp mirror download" and it returned www.laas.fr, but
then it redirected me to cons.org -- and it came up.  then again, i'm
behind a caching proxy, so it might just have a very old copy.  no, it
just worked fine.  is it just the FTP side that is broken?


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