[lug] Mutt versus Pine

Ken Weinert kenw at ihs.com
Fri Aug 31 14:39:33 MDT 2001

* J. Wayde Allen (wallen at lug.boulder.co.us) [010831 20:32]:
> I've been toying with the idea of trying to switch from Pine to Mutt.  No
> particularly good reason other than a lot of people I respect seem to like
> Mutt.  I've been tinkering a bit this afternoon, and it looks to me like
> Mutt works fine, but ...
>    - Does Mutt have an address book, if so how do you use it?

	Depends on how you define address book. It has an alias file
which looks like:

alias wayde \"J. Wayde Allen\" <wallen at its.bldrdoc.gov>

	So I can just send mail to wayde and it gets to you. It has
command line completion, so I could just type "w" in the To: line and it
will expand it or give me a list if there's more than one. You can add
to the address book on the fly when you're reading an email from

>    - How do you setup the default behavior?  I'm guessing there is a
>      config file so will go see if I can find it.
	Yes, there is a config file - I can send mine to you privately
if you'd like to see one.

>    - Can one have what in Pine is called a "Role"?  That sets ones "From:"
>      header depending on a set of address rules.
	Yes, this is very doable.

> One question is, do people prefer Mutt over Pine, and if so why? I guess
> maybe I need a bit of a push.
	I prefer mutt. I never used pine much as I used elm and then
mutt when mutt development spun off of elm. I've only tried pine a time
or two and wasn't satisified, but I never gave it much of a chance
because it was too different from mutt :) To me it seemed like it got in
the way of what I wanted to do, but again I suspect that was because I
wasn't really dissatisified with mutt but was only taking a look at a
different MUA.

Ken Weinert   kenw at ihs.com 303-858-6956 (V) 303-705-4258 (F)
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