[lug] C++ libraries in Linux

Keith C. Herold herold at cslr.Colorado.EDU
Sat Sep 15 21:54:30 MDT 2001

> For books, you probably want Stroustrup (he wrote C++, you'll know it
> when you see it), plus something on STL and one specifically titled "The
> Standard C++ Library" (by Plaugner).
> D. Stimits, stimits at idcomm.com

Hmmm.  A search of amazon says that Plaugner wrote an STL book, "The C++
Standard Template Library".  Is that the book you meant?  There is another
book, "The C++ Standard Library" by Josuttis, which seem to be broader.  Did
you mean to get the STL book by Plaugner, and the Josuttis book?


> > Anyone have a good C++ library reference in printed form they recommend?
> > Not a "how to program" book, but a solid listing of the libraries, and a
> > description of the calls?
> >

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