[lug] powerpoint for Linux?

Michael J. Hammel mjhammel at graphics-muse.org
Tue Sep 18 20:24:54 MDT 2001

Thus spoke Taz
> You could also print them to a .pdf file either in Staroffice or
> Powerpoint...
> Crawford Rainwater wrote:
> > StarOffice is "okay" at reading them, however, I would
> > recommend changing them into JPGs in M$ PowerPoint,
> > then pulling them into StarOffice's version of PowerPoint
> > and recreating the presentation that way.

I don't run MS at all, so that was the reason I needed something on Linux
that could read the files.  Turns out StarOffice read them (and printed
them) just fine.

Thanks for the help (you too Evelyn!).

Michael J. Hammel                               The Graphics Muse 
mjhammel at graphics-muse.org                      http://www.graphics-muse.com
Writers clarify the common and the absurd for those tortured by the former and
              bewildered by the latter.  --  Michael J. Hammel

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