[lug] More LaTeX samples?

J. Wayde Allen wallen at lug.boulder.co.us
Mon Sep 24 16:27:10 MDT 2001

On Mon, 24 Sep 2001, D. Stimits wrote:

> The LaTeX resume stuff worked out quite well, I'm interested in finding
> samples of other types of LaTeX use. Specifically, does anyone out there
> know of a site with general samples of use? How about documentclass
> article, book, etc?

I've had some people contact me off list about this sort of thing, and I
think I've still got one of the examples kicking around.  I'll attach a
copy at the end of this post.  You can try running it to see if it
works.  It will complain since you won't have a bibliography database, but
you can at least see how this works.

In any case, I've already posted a number of URL's here with the kind of
info you are looking for.  My first inclination would be to check out
CTAN <http://www.ctan.org/> and work out from there.

> I do see a few articles, but they aren't necessarily
> representative of the full range of what article class can be used for.
> How about book? Are there any "mini books" or novels out there in LaTeX?
> I found references to some books that were written in LaTeX, but they
> didn't include the actual LaTeX, only end results.

It used to be fair to say that nearly all books were written using
LaTeX/TeX or some similar markup language.  This was true even before
computers.  These languages are basically extensions of the "markup" that
the editors of such publications would do on an authors manuscript before
sending the text on to the typesetter.  These "codes" were then read by
the typesetter in order to know how to place the blocks of type in the
press.  With the advent of the computer as a typesetter these languages
were formalized.  The editor can then accept the text from an author,
reduce it to ASCII, and then mark it up accordingly so that the computer
can process the file and control the press or plate maker.  I think that
this is still generally the case, although Microsoft and Adobe may have
changed this somewhat.

In any case, most any scientific publication that you care to pickup was
probably typeset using either LaTeX/TeX or some similar variant.  I'm sure
that is true of any of the Mathematical Societies, I know it is true of
Metrologia <http://www.bipm.fr/metrologia/metrologia.html> since one of my
papers should appear there shortly.  Check out the authors instructions
<http://www.bipm.fr/metrologia/instructions.html>.  It used to be true of
all IEEE publications, but I haven't checked recently.  (Actually, I just
did some checking and it looks like this may no longer be true.)  In any
case, even if you find a publication that accepts word processor
documents, they still need to convert the document to something that can
run on a printing press, and that is where the typesetting languages come
in.  Chances are good that no matter what the submission format your stuff
gets converted to LaTeX/TeX or something similar.  This step just may now
be more or less automated.

- Wayde
  (wallen at lug.boulder.co.us)

--------------------->% Example:  Cut Here %<-----------------------------

\setlength{\textwidth}{6.5in} % Use the full 8.5x11 sheet of paper

\setlength{\parindent}{0pt}  % Block Paragraphs

\usepackage{psfig}           % Use psfig for figures
\psfigurepath{./figures}     % Setup the figure path


\tableofcontents             % Create Table of contents

\title{Put The Title Here}

\author{John Doe\\
        National Institute of Standards and Technology\\
        325 Broadway\\
        Boulder, Colorado 80303}

\date{}                      % No Date


\noindent This is where the abstract goes.  You'd just need
to fill in the text here as appropriate.

{\bf Keywords:} List, of, Keywords, goes, here



The introductory text goes here.

\section{Next Section}

Whatever comes next.

\subsection{This should be kind of obvious} 

Subtopic of section.

\end{document}               % End of document.

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