[lug] extract, filter, purge logs...

Jonathan Briggs zlynx at acm.org
Thu Sep 27 11:23:03 MDT 2001

Speaking of Perl, attached is a small script I wrote that does something 
similar.  This script reads all the access logs and outputs a sorted 
list of unique hostnames.  While it is running, it prints a bunch of 
information to stderr.  It wouldn't take much to modify it for what you 

Kyle Moore wrote:

>If you are getting the names from stdout and all you want to do is dump
>them in a file as they are you could always use redirection. If I were
>doing something like this I would use perl...it is great for doing stuff
>like this.
>On Thu, 27 Sep 2001, Warren Sanders wrote:
>>I'm trying to extract a list of hosts (NS lookup on) out of a sorted sublist of
>>my access logs.  Using uniq I reduced them to one occurrence.  So now is there
>>another command or filter I can use to create the new list?
>>Warren Sanders
>>Web Page:  http://lug.boulder.co.us
>>Mailing List: http://lists.lug.boulder.co.us/mailman/listinfo/lug
>Kyle Moore
>Web Page:  http://lug.boulder.co.us
>Mailing List: http://lists.lug.boulder.co.us/mailman/listinfo/lug

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