[lug] mixing linux/win cvs/ssh

D. Stimits stimits at idcomm.com
Wed Oct 3 21:27:48 MDT 2001

In general, I do get a message during ssh cvs checkouts:
stdin: is not a tty

This does not appear to be a problem. At least not on command line. I am
able to check out files over cvs this way from either win or linux
(server is linux). What fails are all of the gui interfaces (win only).
I'm thinking maybe the "stdin: is not a tty" is interfering. For
example, scp will fail if some startup file in the home directory echoes
something like "welcome".

In general, the web page below is quite helpful. But it doesn't tell me
one thing I need to know. It seems to rely on placing keys and not using
passwords. Is it possible that the password interactive is not possible
with ssh cvs on the win gui? I do get the password prompt, but then it
fails. Although I don't want a key pair that requires an rsa password
each time, I *do* want it to prompt for my login pass on the remote
machine. I'm thinking the gui's are too limited to do this, and even
though it prompts for pass, it is causing failure.

Also, my login shell is tcsh, so I'd have to find some equivalent to
that case below if it is mandatory to work around non-interactive
logins. Before I can do more testing though, I'll have to uninstall some
of the tcl stuff I have now, it lacks tk, and probably isn't good to mix

D. Stimits, stimits at idcomm.com

Glenn Murray wrote:
> I wrote a more general how-to at
> http://www.mines.edu/~gmurray/public_html/HowTo/minesCVS_SSH.html
> which covers the Win2K client to Linux CVS server angle.  In there I
> discuss the gui clients tkCVS and WinCVS.  WinCVS is preferred by
> Windoze users, but I haven't always been able to make it work with the
> ssh.exe linked from the same page.  TkCVS always works, but is
> clunkier under Windoze.
> By the way, tkCVS works well under Linux.  There is a WinCVS for
> linux, possibly beta, which I haven't tried.
> Then again, there is the trust ol' command line.
> In the user's .bashrc on the server I put
> case $- in
>     *i*);;
>     *) return 0;;
> esac
> after the paths are set.  This is supposed to stop the reading of the
> file if it's a non-interactive shell.  It would be nice if would
> someone would explain what a "non-interactive shell" is, or give a
> reference, and why this code is a Good Thing.
> Cheers,
> Glenn Murray
> www.mines.edu/~gmurray/public_html/Welcome.html
> On Sun, 30 Sep 2001, D. Stimits wrote:
> > I might be installing an ssh client and cvs client on a win 2k machine
> > for ssh wrapped cvs sessions that go to a RH 7.1 box (method :ext: with
> > CVS_RSH set to ssh). Before I go down the long road of despair, can
> > anyone recommend less headache-prone versions of clients for this, which
> > work well with RH 7.1 (OpenSSH daemon)?
> >
> > D. Stimits, stimits at idcomm.com
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