[lug] 10-minute demos

Chip Atkinson catkinson at circadence.com
Thu Oct 4 08:40:32 MDT 2001

That sounds like a really cool demo.  If it was accompanied by source 
code on the list or web site, it would be excellent.

Alan Robertson wrote:

> luke p wrote:
>> I'd be very interested in quick and dirty was to networking. Setup, config,
>> ect..
>>>>>>> "C" == Chris Riddoch <socket at peakpeak.com> writes:
>>>     C> Hi, everyone.  Does anyone have ideas for 10-minute demos
>>>     C> they'd like to give or hear about at the upcoming meeting?  The
>>>     C> demo is just a brief presentation of some tool or application
>>>     C> under Linux, to give people a hint about what's new in the
>>>     C> Linux world, perhaps a quick lesson on how to use something, or
>>>     C> even just showing off something Linux can do.  It's short and
>>>     C> simple.
>>>     C> What do you want to know?
>>> I would love to learn more about:
>>>  - distribution programs (like Debian's dselect, apt-get, etc.)
>>>  - network configuration (specifically, how to network two linux
> [snip]
> Here's a thought aboutcommon  network configuration problems.
> I wrote a really cool script that will tell you if your basic network
> configuration is correct and working.  It does automatically what everyone
> does by hand.  You invoke it just by saying "checknet" with no arguments.
> Explaining how it works would be a good way of showing how to go about
> troubleshooting your own network.
> It looks at the route information for your routers.  It looks at your DNS
> configuration, and then it tries to ping all of these addresses. [It uses
> fping so it's really fast]
> If it can ping them, then it does a traceroute to remember how it got there
> last.  When it can't get to a particular endpoint, it tries to ping all the
> addresses that were in the route the last time it worked.  This last step is
> done in a different way when you do it by hand, but something equivalent is
> often done.
> I could demo that sometime if there's interest...
> 	-- Alan Robertson
> 	   alanr at unix.sh
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