[lug] Installation woes

rjudd at mlug.missouri.edu rjudd at mlug.missouri.edu
Fri Oct 5 20:08:19 MDT 2001

> I am trying to install RedHat 6.2 on a new machine that has an AMD athlon
> 1.2GHz cpu.  The installation goes just fine until the time comes to
> reboot.  LILO loads the kernel okay, but then dies with something like the
> following (the typing is poor because I'm doing this over the phone).  The
> basic idea is that booting goes fine until it tries to disable the cpu id
> serial number and then a general protection fault occurs.  Does anyone
> have any ideas?

> cpu: amd amd athlon processor stepping 04 enable
> disabling cpu id serial number ... general protection fault: 0000
> cpu: 0 eip: 0010: [<c02340f4>]
> eflags: 00010282

Appologies for replying to my own email.  I should have checked the RedHat
site first.  There is a bug associated with this and if anyone's
interested the fix is to use

linux x86_serial_nr=1

at the lilo prompt.

Does anyone know anymore about this problem: is it with the CPU or the
kernel, and if the kernel when was it fixed.

Thanks a lot,

Rob Judd

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