[lug] StarOffice 6.0

Scott A. Herod herod at interact-tv.com
Thu Oct 11 11:21:13 MDT 2001

I don't think that you got the entire thing unless they've changed the 
distro since last week.  My copy is:

-rwx------    1 herod    eng      124582824 Oct  2 11:34

BTW, read the short review at LWN: http://lwn.net/2001/1011/  It's funny
in a rather sad way.  Esp. the comments on the license.  BTW,  I looked
at converting some spreadsheets from 5.2.  After the nightmare of
out Starbasic to get them origonally from Excel, they gone and scrapped
it.  Now there's a new IDL API, http://api.openoffice.org.  It's obvious
that the author of the web page used the OpenOffice version _without_ 
the spell checker.


Ken Weinert wrote:
> Finally able to get through and download it. Installation isn't going so
> great.
> I have this file:
> -rwxr-xr-x   1 kenw     kenw     124560660 Oct 11 09:26 so-6_0-beta-bin-linux-en.bin
> and when I try to run it, I get this result:
> kenw at adamselene:~/downloads > ./so-6_0-beta-bin-linux-en.bin
> glibc version: 2.1.3
> file not found '/home/kenw/downloads/so-6_0-beta-bin-linux-000.bin'
> file not found '/home/kenw/downloads/so-6_0-beta-bin-linux-001.bin'
> error: One or more files are missing! Please ensure that all necessary
> files are present.
>         I don't see where to get these files from - what obvious thing
> am I missing here?

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