[lug] IDSL Service in the Boulder Area...

Ryan Kirkpatrick linux at rkirkpat.net
Mon Oct 29 07:23:13 MST 2001

	I am going to be moving soon to an area where IDSL is the only
broadband service available, and wanted to get peoples experience with
this service. The location is 16800ft from the CO, so normal DSL is out of
the question, and while it does have Cable TV, cable Internet access is
not yet available. That pretty much leaves IDSL as my only choice (short
of dialup of course) [0].
	My needs for an Internet connection do not require a large amount
of bandwidth (144kbs is ample for email servers and low traffic websites),
but do require the following: Static IPs (at least 6 usable) and the
ability to run servers. It would be even better if the ISP did not require
me to buy their IDSL router [1]. Also, I don't have a problem with paying
for a business class connection in order to attain these requirements.
	Therefore, has anyone had any experience with IDSL and if you
have, would you please share what your experience has been. Are there any
ISPs (or carriers) that I should stay away from? Is there an ISP that you
would recommend that can meet my above requirements? Thanks in advance!

[0] Even Sprint Broadband is not possible as they have stopped taking
customers for now. They have maxed out their equipment apparently.

[1] Where their cost is ~$350 and I can get one off of eBay (Flowpoints or
3Coms) for $30. I have had experience with Flowpoint routers, so I don't
mind configuring it myself either. As for warranty on the new router, for
only $60 I could buy two off of eBay and have one in reserve.

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."                    |
|                                            --- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)   |
|   Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  |  http://www.rkirkpat.net/   |

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