[lug] RE: Why Linux will win and Micro$oft will lose
D. Stimits
stimits at idcomm.com
Sun Nov 11 19:18:35 MST 2001
Jeremy wrote:
> cyclox
> I too believe that eventually one day Linux and Open Source will be the
> defacto standard for everything. There are a couple of things that need to
> happen, 1)The the suits (owners, Managers, and bean counters) need to be
> shown the TCO(Total Cost of Ownership) of Linux/Open Source. Which has not
> really happened yet. The Cost of switching everthing to a Linux
> desktop/server is pretty high right now. Sure you can get the software for
> free, but installing, and training the users is a pain in the butt, and
> expensive (Who Trains for free?).
> 2) Innovation, where is it? I don't see the newest things coming out on
> Linux. If we want to take over were going to have to Invent new ways of
> doing things, not just copy the rest of the world. Example: Ximian's
> Evolution - ripoff of MSOutlook. Instead of ripping it off and making it
> connect to MSExchange make a better platform. i.e make a workgroup
> information management tool server and client.
> MSExchange2000 is $4000 for the enterprise edition, cut that cost to
> nothing and you might have a couple more servers and desktops running Linux.
> 3) GAMES, I am not talking about checkers, etc. i am talking about really
> really awesome 3D super games (MechWarrior, Thief, Flight Sims). Games are
> driving computer sales right now( Do you really need a Geforce card to run
> Word?). We get games Developed, Ported , whatever to Linux, then watch
> out(I get excited thinking of the possbilities!) , the only reason I still
> use MSWindow98 is because of games, I bought far to many $50 games to let
> them sit in a jewel case because my OS won't run them.
This is being worked on :) With any luck, part of a current project will
get a short spot in "Game Programming Gems III" (cheers for Kelly), some
of the framework might be ahead of the commercial games.
D. Stimits, stimits at idcomm.com
> 4) Atitude, The atitude of the current OpenSource community sucks. one
> reason I never will buy a Dodge auto is because the only sales guy I ever
> talked to about a Dodge ripped on the Saturn i was thinking of buying,
> making me fell like a idiot for even considering another vehicle other than
> Dodge. Needless to say i don't own a Dodge (american made in general for
> that fact). If we want to sell our selves then don't rip on the
> Competition, sight logical points of what your product can do and why a
> customer should go with you instead of the other guy. Dont just say "oh,
> their product sucks". MS actually really does have some great software out
> there (MechWarrior, Mappoint, Visio, Win2000 etc.). So we have to make ours
> better, easier, and faster.
> So, yes we will eventually take over it will just take time and paradigm
> shifts in thinking to do it.
> Thanks for reading.
> J
> PS. List owners if this is to long let me know I will try to keep it
> shorter next time.
> =====================================
> Jeremy Schroeder
> Email: jeremy at pedalwrench.com
> Web: http://www.pedalwrench.com
> "God made man in his image, don't try to make him in yours." -anon
> ======================================
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