[lug] CDROM mounting woe

qqq1one @yahoo.com qqq1one at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 15 18:42:12 MST 2001

I take that back.  Although I could burn CD's, I still couldn't mount them until I started playing
around with modprobe/insmod/lsmod and then it all magically started working - even though I
thought I had un-done everything that I had done did ;)

Since then I've checked the Red Hat site again for info on this.  They've created a "Red Hat Linux
7.2 Install FAQ" which has as it's second entry, "CD-ROM fails to mount after install/upgrade to
7.2".  (http://www.redhat.com/support/resources/gotchas/7.2/)

Here's the text:

"We have found an installer related bug in some hardware set-ups. After an installation of 7.2 or
upgrade of an existing system, these units report "/dev/cdrom not a valid block device"
  causing the mount to fail and a possible system crash. Running the command as root "depmod -ae"
should solve this issue. Additionally, upgrading to the latest kernel errata will solve
  this issue. 

  To view the bug report: Bugzilla 55071"


So it looks like my 2 year old CDROM drive might be OK after all...

> Problem solved.  See my previous post
> http://archive.lug.boulder.co.us/bymonth/2001.11/msg00305.html
> > I don't know if the following problem is related to
> > the CDROM install failures I mentioned in my previous
> > post
> > (http://archive.lug.boulder.co.us/bymonth/2001.10/msg00968.html),
> > but perhaps it is, hence the reference.
> >
> > I've done 3-4 fresh installs of RH7.2, and haven't
> > been able to mount the CDROM with any of them.  The
> > CDROM still works with my 6.2 hard drive.  Here's the
> > error I get:
> >
> > # mount /dev/cdrom
> > mount: /dev/cdrom is not a valid block device
> >
<big snip>

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