[lug] Good for Linux, sad for SGI

Chuck Morrison cmorrison at greeleynet.com
Sat Nov 24 10:05:09 MST 2001

Actually, SGI had intel machines over a year ago. Unfortunately, they were
OEMing them from VA Linux, who went out of the hardware business a few
months ago, leaving SGI high and dry. Too bad, they were nice dual proc,
hot swap machines. SGI did their usual purple face job, which looked lots
better than the VA version.

On Fri, 23 Nov 2001, D. Stimits wrote:

> Scott Herod wrote:
> >
> > Another win for linux but bad for those of us holding on to SGI stock.
> >
> > http://www.idg.net/go.cgi?id=604265
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Web Page:  http://lug.boulder.co.us
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> I sure hope SGI stays in business. I think they will go through tough
> times, but not go under. It's interesting that ILM said they wanted
> cheaper pentium machines to cluster, that SGI doesn't have them; SGI is
> in the process of going x86 and dumping some of their RISC machines, and
> in the process, going Linux. It sounds partly like SGI just didn't
> switch fast enough, but even so, maybe the SGI hardware won't be cheap
> enough. SGI does have some awesome clustering software for multimedia
> that they could in theory port to standard linux clusters (and it sounds
> like SGI intends to do this) and still gain a share of the software pie,
> even if they don't always sell the hardware it performs on. The thing I
> don't like about the article is that it said that Linux bit the hand
> that fed it (meaning SGI contributes to Linux and has been stung by it);
> in reality it isn't their helping linux that has resulted in ILM making
> its changes, and if they were a bit faster at Linux conversion of some
> of their technology, I'd think that ILM would have made the Linux switch
> but still kept SGI as provider of some of its major software technology.
> I would be rather depressed if SGI went bankrupt for any reason, they do
> a lot of interesting and quality things in the computer industry,
> especially for Linux (nope, I don't own any stock, I just like SGI's
> attitude).
> D. Stimits, stimits at idcomm.com
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> Web Page:  http://lug.boulder.co.us
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